Iowa Corn News
From checkoff efforts to legislative happenings to association news, stay up to date and in the know on all things Iowa Corn.

PRE-HARVEST CONSIDERATIONS FOR CORN Corn harvest is right around the corner and although this season’s crop is nearly finished developing, corn growers are making plans for harvest but also beginning to prepare for the next growing season. In this Stewardship Advocate, we preview some pre-harvest considerations for Iowa corn growers. Pre-harvest Losses: Before harvest begins, check...

By: Stan Nelson Stan Nelson is a farmer from Middletown, Iowa, and currently serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) President and on the Animal Agriculture and Environment Committee. Standing up for what I believe in is something I have always placed emphasis on. In fact, that’s why I first got involved with the...

Saying goodbye isn’t always easy, but my year as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board President wraps up at the end of the month. Throughout my year as President, a major goal was to make sure every farmer in the state knows the value of what the Iowa Corn checkoff does for them., which is why...

Sharing our stories as farmers is important because the more the world knows about agriculture, the easier it becomes to understand how and why we take care of our land for future generations to come. That’s why the Iowa Corn Promotion Board is proud to have designed and built the Iowa Corn Mobile Education Trailer,...

One of the major focuses of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board is developing markets for corn in all forms – including ethanol. That’s why we have invested funds with the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) on their Drive Clean Iowa campaign. Drive Clean encourages drivers to fill up with Unleaded 88, a fuel choice that...

NCGA VP of Public Policy Brooke Appleton encourages members to connect with their elected officials in August.

Practices that improve water quality and soil health in Iowa Ever feel overwhelmed by the options and don’t know where to start? In this edition of Stewardship Advocate, we look at several practices that can be employed across Iowa to improve water quality and soil health. Many factors go into the decision about what practices...

LEARN MORE ABOUT THE IOWA NITROGEN INITIATIVE The Iowa Nitrogen Initiative (INI) is a private-public partnership with a vision to provide Iowa farmers with the best nitrogen science in the world for the benefit of productivity, profitability, and environmental performance. The initiative is funded by both public and private dollars, with the bulk of the funding...

FARMERS JOINING OTHER FARMERS TO IMPROVE THEIR CROPPING SYSTEMS IN IOWA Corn and soybean growers in Iowa have a myriad of options available to them as they navigate through each cropping season. One of these decisions involves which conservation practices they want to implement. To aid Iowa producers with information to make crop management decisions,...

In June 2023's Ears in Washington, Brooke Appleton reflects on the similarities between mothering and lobbying.