Iowa Corn Farmers Thank Attorney General Bird for Support of Year-Round E15

Access to nationwide year-round E15 is a win for both consumers and farmers. That is why the Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) thanks Attorney General Brenna Bird for urging Congress to pass a bipartisan bill that will grant nationwide access to E15.
“Attorney General Bird has been a long-time advocate and supporter of year-round E15, and we appreciate her continued leadership in this fight,” said Stu Swanson, ICGA President and farmer from Galt, Iowa. “Passage of year-round E15 will provide consumers access to a cleaner burning, cheaper option at the pump, while putting dollars back in the pockets of American farmers through increased corn demand. Iowa corn farmers are ready to provide homegrown, more affordable energy solutions to all Americans.”
In additional support, nearly 9,000 corn growers and advocates from 47 states have signed their name to a letter from the National Corn Gowers Association which was submitted to House and Senate leadership in support of removing barriers for E15 to be sold year-round. The sheer number of signatures in the letter is testament to the strong sentiment about increased ethanol demand among farmers, especially as commodity prices drop and input costs increase.
“A legislative solution for consumers to access year-round E15 comes at no cost yet would provide critical support to our nation’s energy sector, overdue relief to American families, and provide necessary economic security to rural communities,” the letter said.
For More Information:
Sydney Garrett, Public Relations Manager,, 515-225-9242