Check-in on the Checkoff March 2023

Less than two percent of our population are farmers, yet we are a trusted resource for information. The challenge is finding a way and a place to connect and share the importance of what we do as Iowa’s corn farmers with consumers. That’s why when Iowa Corn was looking for the best approach to reaching the maximum number of Iowans, the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series rose to the top!
Over 70% of Iowans tune in via radio or TV to follow the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series throughout the year. In Iowa, college sports are a big deal. It’s how you grow up, as a Cyclone or a Hawkeye. The in-state rivalry is not only a great competition but a tribute to the hard-working values of student-athletes dedicated to their sport as well as farmers who remain dedicated to their fields and crops. And when the Series is over, we, as Iowans, all win especially Iowa’s corn farmers who are able to share a message and connect with fans in multiple ways. From the corn-fed bacon cheeseburger at the tailgate to the clean water from the water bottle filling station to the homegrown ethanol used to fuel vehicles to drive to the game, Iowa Corn farmers celebrate the WINS we bring to everyday life.
In Iowa, we grow corn. But the truth is corn grows Iowa. The partnership that the Iowa Corn Growers Association and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board have built with Learfield on behalf of both the Iowa State University and the University of Iowa Athletic Departments showcases how corn and corn farmers play a role in our everyday lives and gives us a reason to celebrate our great state!
It’s more than a series. IT’S EVERYTHING. For more information, visit
Thank you,
Larry Buss