Check-in on the Checkoff: Investing in the Next Generation

By: Ralph Lents
Ralph Lents is a farmer from Menlo, Iowa, and currently serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) President and on the Industrial Usage & U.S. Production Committee.
Being an athlete and a farm kid is not for the faint of heart. I remember when I was growing up, I would start each morning in the barn helping with morning chores, before going back inside to change and head off to school. After school, I would go to football practice, give it my all with my teammates, and then return home to jump in a grain cart and help with harvest. Though I might not have always thought so back then, I was incredibly blessed.
Growing up on a farm shaped me into the man I am today. From a young age, I learned the value of hard work, time management, and responsibility. While I may not have been able to attend all the after-school gatherings with friends, I was fortunate to work alongside my family, gaining experiences that have led me to where I am today.
We must continue to invest in the next generation of leaders and agriculturalists who will produce the food, fiber, and fuel we all depend on. This is why the Iowa Corn Promotion Board strives to support Iowa youth by sponsoring Iowa High School Boys and Girls Athletics.
In Iowa, some of our young students are also aspiring farmers. After a long day of school and practice or FFA chapter meetings, they return home to continue helping in the fields or tending to livestock. As the President of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, I find that incredibly admirable, and I am proud of their dedication to their education, extracurricular activities, and the future of Iowa agriculture.
In addition to supporting young athletes, Iowa Corn also offers student memberships, scholarship opportunities, and leadership programs such as the Collegiate Advisory Team (CAT). I encourage students to get involved now. It is never too early to make an impact, and I know we are in good hands as we look to the future.
To learn more about how the next generation of agricultural leaders can get involved with Iowa Corn, visit
Thank you,
Ralph Lents
Iowa Corn Promotion Board President