Check-in On the Checkoff December 2022

When you think of the Iowa Corn checkoff, I want you to think of the word investment. By choosing to participate in the checkoff, you are choosing to invest in the future of long-term profitability for your farm and all of Iowa’s corn farmers. This past September I had the privilege of showcasing what that future holds for our commodity by being at the table during the discussion and signing of a letter of intent with Taiwan to purchase $600 million worth of corn products between 2023 and 2024. Taiwan and Iowa have a longstanding relationship and this letter of intent is a testament to their friendship and mutually beneficial trade commitments – that we as corn farmers play an integral part in.
During events like this it is hard not to recognize that without our investment as farmers, we wouldn’t have the reputation to develop these powerful relationships and be seen as a reliable resource for corn by countries around the world. By participating in the checkoff, we are providing all Iowa corn farmers a seat at the table.
When it comes to building relationships, Iowa Corn takes pride in showcasing Iowa farmers and corn production by hosting trade teams from all around the world, all year long. Just this fall I hosted a delegation from South Korea to my farm and discussed how we can build on our relationship through trade and exports of Iowa corn. Seeing the crop firsthand and shaking the hand of the farmer is very important to our customers to build a trusting partnership.
Opportunities like these aren’t possible without our collective investment through the Iowa Corn checkoff. The Iowa Corn Promotion Board is able to represent all Iowa corn farmers and give us a voice at the table and bring a return on investment back to our farms. For more information visit
Thank you,
Larry Buss