Check-in on the Check-off July 2023

One of the major focuses of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board is developing markets for corn in all forms – including ethanol. That’s why we have invested funds with the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) on their Drive Clean Iowa campaign. Drive Clean encourages drivers to fill up with Unleaded 88, a fuel choice that saves them money while supporting us as local corn growers.
The Drive Clean campaign currently focuses on young drivers through drivers’ education programs and social media platforms, by ensuring they have trusted information on how, why and where to fuel up with Unleaded 88. Ethanol is America’s renewable fuel that is cleaner burning and grown by farmers right here in Iowa, which makes this campaign even more important.
Now I may not be social media savvy, but I have viewed these videos and resources and the numbers show us that they are engaging for a younger generation of drivers. That’s why I want to encourage all of you to share the Drive Clean website with others in your life to continue to be the most trusted information out there on ethanol as the best fuel choice.
To learn more about Drive Clean Iowa visit Drive Clean | Unleaded 88 (
Thank you,
Larry Buss