April Stand Up with Stan

April Stand Up with Stan

By: Stan Nelson

Stan Nelson is a farmer from Middletown, Iowa, and currently serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) President.

As farmers, the importance of adopting prescriptive rather than restrictive approaches to conservation practices cannot be overstated. Every farm has unique needs and challenges, requiring tailored solutions for sustainable agriculture. Flexibility in modifying practices is key, guided by thorough research to ensure effectiveness and relevance of these practices.

During this past summer, my involvement in the Iowa Farmer Today Crop Watches highlighted the differences across the state. By collaborating with other farmers in each crop reporting district, I was able to see the variation of weather, yields and soil types that we have across the state. Today, 90% of Iowa remains affected by varying degrees of drought severity, spanning from none to D3 within just two counties. This observation only showcases the variances we see in weather, without including the natural landscape differences we see in Iowa. As a result, it is recognizable that not every district, let alone county, is the same and requires its own conservation plan.

How do we begin understanding the impact conservation practices have on different landscapes? Collaboration. Through our structured Iowa Corn committees, we engage in and support research initiatives in partnership with various organizations, such as the Iowa Ag Water Alliance, whose purpose is to share the why and how behind all water quality efforts amongst farmers. These alliances enable us to leverage collective expertise and resources to drive meaningful change in sustainable farming practices.

However, the transparency of these results is key. By sharing results across the agricultural value chain, we empower stakeholders with knowledge on conservation standards while unlocking new market opportunities like new uses for corn such as sustainable bio-based fabric. This educational outreach fosters a community-wide commitment to responsible land stewardship amongst farmers and consumers alike.

If you would like to learn more about how your corn checkoff dollars are invested with the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, I encourage you to visit iowacorn.org.

Thank you,

Stan Nelson

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