Corn grows Iowa
It’s Feed. It’s Fuel. It’s Food. It’s Everything.
We like to say Iowa grows corn, but the truth is Corn Grows Iowa. You’ve probably experienced the “highway view” of corn as you travel our great state. But take a closer look, and you’ll discover the many connections you have to corn. It’s feed. It’s fuel. It’s food. It’s everything!

Ethanol Corn grows fuel
A renewable fuel that’s better for our environment, our health, our wallets – and grown right in our backyard? That’s corn-based ethanol, and Iowa produces more of it than any other state.

Corn grows 4,000+ products
We can thank corn for the meat, dairy, poultry and eggs we enjoy. And for over 4,000 other everyday essentials – from medicine to soap to low-carbon bioplastics.

Corn grows legacy
More than 97% of Iowa’s farms are family owned. Come meet some of these farm families and learn about the farming practices they use.

What’s the difference between sweet corn and field corn? How much corn does Iowa grow? We’re answering all your corn questions and more.

Engage with Iowa Corn Growers
Connect with us at some of the state’s biggest events, plus join Iowa Corn’s fanbase.