Paul Gieselman, District 9
Paul Gieselman has been farming for more than 28 years in Louisa County raising corn, soybeans, hay and a cow-calf operation. He also runs his own small trucking company. Paul has traveled to China, Canada, Guatemala, and Puerto Rico, as well as California, Georgia, Texas and around the Midwest on agriculture trade missions. He employs many conservation practices on his farm including, cover crops, no-till and reduced tillage, buffer strips and terraces.
Currently, Paul serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board Director representing District 9 and as the Vice Chair of the Research & Business Development Committee, specifically working with new uses of corn. He is a graduate of the I-LEAD Class 6 and serves as treasurer of the Louisa County Corn Board. He has been an active leader on the Louisa County Farm Bureau Board as well as a State Voting Delegate for the national convention. He currently serves on his county ISU Extension Council being Chairman for 3 years and serving for 13 while leading the various committees within the Council. He is on the board of the Iowa Association of Extension Councils working to meet the needs of the 99 county Extension Councils where he participates in a Legislative Day on the Hill as well as several Professional Development events.
He is an active 4-H leader for the WAMACO club as well as a state-certified shooting sports instructor. Paul also stays active locally coaching and umpiring youth sports and volunteering wherever he can, at wrestling events, track meets, soccer, or for his children’s numerous school events. He has also served in the past as the Beef Superintendent at the Louisa County Fair.
Paul and his wife Sara have three children August, Benjamin and Capp.