Jerod Flaherty, District 8
Jerod Flaherty has been farming in Clarke County for 19 years producing corn, soybeans and various forage crops as well as a cow herd. On his operation he utilizes cover crops as well as rotational grazing.
Currently Jerod serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board Director representing District 8 and as the Chair of the Animal Agriculture & Environment Committee. He also participates on the Clarke County FSA Committee and is a part of the Clarke County Cattlemen. Outside of agriculture he is a leader and teacher at the Osceola Church of Christ.
He looks forward to his time on ICPB to work to better represent the non-land-owning tenant farmers as he feels is an underrepresented population in many agriculture industries. He believes tenant farmers have a unique perspective on Iowa agriculture and wants to share his insight.
Jerod and his wife, Jess have three kids, Grant, Isla Kay and Louie Marie.