Derek Kemper, District 5
Derek Kemper is a 5th generation farmer in Tama County, raising corn and soybeans. He farms along his brother-in-law and father-in-law. He graduated from Buena Vista in Criminal Justice and served in the Iowa Army National Guard for eight years. Off the farm, Derek works for ProAg as an insurance crop adjuster and sells Channel seed.
Derek is serving as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board Director for District 5 and serves as the Chair of Grassroots Network, Membership & Checkoff Committee. He is a member of the Iowa Corn Growers Association and Farm Bureau. In the past he was a youth group leader for middle school and high school kids and helped the local REC basketball program.
He was exposed to the Iowa Corn Growers Association at an early age when his grandpa served as a director. Seeing his grandpa’s passion to better himself and the average grain producer shaped Derek both personally and professionally. He is ecstatic to have an opportunity to serve the Iowa corn grower in this capacity and will continue to promote the industry that he lives every day.
Derek and his wife Amelia have two children, Emma and Grady.