Will Cannon, District 5
Will Cannon has been producing corn, soybeans, forages, and cereal rye for over 20 years in Jasper County. His passion for conservation is shown throughout his operation as he practices no-till, strip till and cover crops. He also has worked at Ag Leader Technology in tech support and product development for ten years.
Will currently serves as an Iowa Corn Growers Association Director representing District 5 and as Chair for the Research & Business Development Committee. He is a graduate from the Iowa Corn I-LEAD Class 4 and has hosted the World Pork Expo International Dinner for multiple years. He is also active with the Iowa Soybean Association and previously sat on the Jasper County Farm Bureau Board. Outside of agriculture he is a member of City Church of Ames in the Des Moines area.
Soil health and sustainability both environmentally and economically are important to Will. That is why he hosts many conservation field days on his farm as well as educates himself on both private and public programs trying to incentivize farmers in his area to use conservation programs. While farmer education is a huge passion of his, Will also finds value in educating consumers where their food comes from. He is proud of his “open farm gate policy” allowing him to host thousands of interested people on his farm. Because his farm is located only 20 minutes from Des Moines, he takes this responsibility seriously to be an ambassador to farming in his own way. Will is truly ready to bring the knowledge he has gained combined with his passion for farming to make a difference in this industry.
Will and his wife Cassie raise two children, Oliver and Case, whom he hopes to have the opportunity to live the great farm lifestyle.