Mark Mueller, First Vice President
Mark Mueller has been farming for 26 years near Waverly in Bremer County producing no-till corn, soybeans, alfalfa, specialty beans, forage rye and corn for silage.
He is a fourth-generation farmer and serves as the Iowa Corn Growers Association First Vice President and on the Research & Business Development Committee as well as the Chair of the PAC Committee. He also is the past chair of the U.S. Grains Council’s Western Hemisphere Committee, overseeing issues affecting the sales and movement of corn, sorghum and barley in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. In 2014, Mark was one of the first 20 participants in the Soil Health Partnership, a 10-year National Corn Growers Association study to calculate the economic benefits of cover crops.
Mark earned Bachelor of Science degrees in Ag-Business and Agronomy from Iowa State University. He is a graduate of the leadership development programs of both Iowa Corn (I-LEAD class II) and the Iowa Association of Business and Industry (Leadership Iowa ‘98). Before farming, Mark worked in research, production and sales in the seed industry.
Past positions include serving as chair of the Bremer County Planning and Zoning Commission, president of the Bremer County Corn & Soybean Growers Association, president of the Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association and representing ICGA on the board of the Iowa Nutrient Research and Education Council (INREC). Mark has written articles for Top Producer, Progressive Farmer and other publications.
Mark and his wife, Jeri, have two daughters, Kate a graduate of wildlife ecology from Iowa State University working for the Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife on Sanibel Island in Florida, and Sarah a graduate in media studies and creative writing from Loras College in Dubuque, doing post-production work on commercials in Chicago.