Laura Foell, District 4
Laura Foell is a farmer from Sac County, where for 40 years she has raised corn and soybeans. Laura was raised on a small farm in Illinois and graduated from Southern Illinois University. She moved to Iowa in 1984 and joined her husband, Bill, on his family farm. Their farm is a no-till operation and they have developed farm plans including buffer strips, CRP, strip tillage and horticulture crops in addition to corn and soybeans. Recently their son Tom joined the operation as they continue the century farm for another generation.
Laura currently serves as the Iowa Corn Growers Association Director representing District 4 and as the current Vice Chair of the Grassroots Network, Membership and Checkoff Committee. She has also previously served on the Exports & The Grain Trade Committee and Animal Ag and the Environment Committee.
Laura has worked as a Iowa Soybean Association Field Coordinator, Sac County Extension Education Director, Sac County REC Value Added Ag Director and served on the Sac County Board of Supervisors. Currently, she serves as an Iowa Natural Resource Commissioner, Iowa Monarch Consortium – Farmer Outreach Committee and on the Iowa Corn Animal Agriculture and Environment Committee. In the past she has served on the National Chairman of U.S. Soybean Export Council, Assistant Sac County Soil and Water Commissioner, Iowa Director on United Soybean Board, Domestic Marketing Committee and Animal Agriculture Initiative Member of the United Soybean Board and the Sac County Farm Bureau Board. She is also a member of Practical Farmers of Iowa, Council for Ag Science and Technology, Landus Coop and AgState Coop. Laura is also a former 4-H Leader and current Eden Township clerk.
Laura looks forward to working with ICGA to develop policy for today and the future generations to be able to be sustainable, both economically and environmentally. She will work to develop and strengthen relationships with policy makers and consumers to understand modern agriculture and its production practices, while developing new uses for corn and supporting and growing existing uses of corn in ethanol, livestock feed and human uses.
Laura and her husband Bill have two children Tom and Mary, both are involved in the farming operation along with their son-in-law.