Dan Keitzer, District 9
Dan Keitzer, from Des Moines County, has been farming for 38 years. With his son, they raise both corn and soybeans as well as custom feed hogs. They are proud to utilize the no-till practice on their row-crop operation and are continuously building structures to minimize soil erosion on their farm. He has also partnered with a major seed company to do on-farm seed development research for over 30 years now.
Currently Dan serves on the Iowa Corn Growers Association Director representing District 9 and as Chair of the Industrial Usage & U.S. Production Committee.
He also serves on the Southeast Iowa Research Farm Board. He has been a member of the County Extension Committee, 4-H and Youth Committee and treasurer of the Des Moines County Fair. He has also served on the county Pork Producers Board in many leadership roles. Keitzer is very active in his local church and has served as the treasure for 29 years. He has also served as the chairman for the local Building Committee for several building renovation projects.
Dan and his wife Jan, have two kids. Both Kendra and Keaton are involved in agriculture.