Adam Bierbaum headshot

Adam Bierbaum, District 7

Adam Bierbaum has been farming for nine years on his family’s century farm in Cass County where he grows corn and soybeans. Adam currently serves as the Chair for the Grassroots Network, Membership & Checkoff Committee. He is a former member of the Iowa Corn Collegiate Advisory Team (CAT), the Iowa Corn Leadership Enhancement and Development (I-LEAD), is active of the Cass County Corn Growers Board and serves as an Iowa Corn District 7 Board member.

Adam has a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University in agronomy. He also serves on the Wallace Foundation and is a member of Iowa Farm Bureau and the Iowa Soybean Association.

His family’s farming operation has practiced no-till farming for over 20 years where he works to incorporate the best environmental practices into his operation using cover crops and other conservation practices.

Adam enjoys farming, spending time with his wife Megan and son Nathan.