Check-in on the Checkoff June 2023
Sharing our stories as farmers is important because the more the world knows about agriculture, the easier it becomes to understand how and why we take care of our land for future generations to come. That’s why the Iowa Corn Promotion Board is proud to have designed and built the Iowa Corn Mobile Education Trailer, an interactive classroom on wheels for Iowans of all ages.
Each farmer, including myself, uses different techniques, farms various crops or livestock, and markets their corn in a different way based on their experiences, land needs and what’s available around them. This is why the Iowa Corn Mobile Education Trailer makes it a one-stop-shop to learn all things corn. From ethanol production to the foods on your table, the trailer offers insight into our lives as farmers and the work we do on the farm to put fuel in your vehicle and food on your plate.
Even though I as a farmer can’t attend every consumer-based event, ag day and county fair in the state, Iowans can still learn the value of corn by visiting the Iowa Corn Trailer. All year-long the trailer travels across the state to share the importance of corn in consumers’ everyday life and our stories as farmers so that we can focus on producing the crop.
To learn more about the trailer and its upcoming summer events visit
Thank you,
Larry Buss