Corn field in Iowa

Iowa Corn Leadership Enhancement and Development Program (I-LEAD)

Iowa Corn Leadership Enhancement and Development (I-LEAD) is a two-year program for talented farmers and friends of the industry who want to become strong leaders and spokespeople for Iowa agriculture.

The next I-LEAD 12 application cycle will open in July 2025. If you are interested, please fill out this information and we will reach out when the next cycle commences.

Who Should Apply to I-LEAD

Men and women who are involved in production agriculture, the food and agriculture industry, agriculture media, or education and government, are all encouraged to apply.

I-LEAD’s Impact

Graduates of the I-LEAD program are equipped with several skills that will help them advocate for the corn and agricultural industries.

International Trade Mission

The international trade mission is a key educational component of the I-LEAD program. Each I-LEAD class is challenged to work as a team to determine a mission target and raise the funds to cover core mission costs.

On the mission, class members will learn about key markets and develop further leadership skills as they speak with foreign officials and customers about Iowa agriculture.

I-LEAD Class 11

Allie Berry headshot

Allison Berry

Bran Hanson headshot

Brandon Hanson

Brett Maier headshot

Brett Maier

Chandler Arnold headshot

Chandler Arnold

Derek Kemper headshot

Derek Kemper

Darin Proffit headshot

Darin Proffit

Delaney Howell-Groth headshot

Delaney Howell-Groth

Donna Meyer headshot

Donna Meyer

Emily Callison headshot

Emily Callison

Gina White headshot

Gina White

Jeff Hazlewood headshot

Jeff Hazlewood

Jamie Champion headshot

Jamie Champion

Jamie Schechinger headshot

Jamie Schechinger

Katie Jorgensen headshot

Katie Jorgensen

Keaton Keitzer headshot

Keaton Keitzer

Kelli Wick

Kelli Wicks

Nels Leo headshot

Nels Leo

Levi Cook headshot

Levi Cook

Logan Schmerbach headshot

Logan Schmerbach

Mason Meyer headshot

Mason Meyer

Matt Nelson headshot

Matthew Nelson

Nathan Hohnstein headshot

Nathan Hohnstein

Rebekah Sletten headshot

Rebekah Sletten

Learn More about I-LEAD

Denise Forney

Vice President of Talent and Organizational Development

(515) 225-9242